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13 Best natural Tips To Get Glowing Skin In Summer

13 Best Natural Tips To Get Glowing Skin In Summer 

13 Best Natural Tips To Get Glowing Skin In Summer 

What do you envision when you think about your skin in summer? Smooth, firm, and glowing skin with a hint of tan, giving you that perfect sun-kissed look. But, the reality can make it difficult to get glowing skin in summer. Here’s why

Summers can be brutal. When the temperature soars, the heat, and humidity can make your already active oil glands hyperactive. You eventually end up with excessive sebum around the T-zone, itchy rashes, sunburn, and premature signs of aging. This is why you need a proper skincare routine as your first line of defense. Scroll down to find out how to get glowing skin in summer naturally.

These beauty tips are a combination of lifestyle tweaks and include a few skincare products in your routine. Find out how to make your skin glow in summer.

13. Consider Changing Your Face Wash:

Cleansing your face is the most basic skincare routine that you need to follow, irrespective of the season. During summer, the climate is already hot and humid. Your face tends to produce more oil during this time, so you need to change your cleanser accordingly.

Oily skin takes the maximum beating as your pores can get easily clogged and cause acne. Get a foaming cleanser that contains salicylic acid for summer.

If you have dry skin, you may experience redness and rashes. Use a non-soapy face wash to clean your face twice a day. The same is applicable to those with combination skin.

Those who have normal skin can switch to a gel-based face wash during summer.
Wash your face twice or thrice a day to feel refreshed.

12. Do Not Forget Sunscreen :

This is something that you absolutely cannot forget during summer. Sun protection for your face, hands, legs, and any other exposed parts of your body is vital. Excessive UV exposure can permanently damage your skin and cause sunburn, wrinkles, fine lines, and premature aging. Invest in sunblock or sunscreen that has a broad UV spectrum (at least SPF 30). Apply it twice a day on all the exposed parts of your skin.

11. Add A Punch Of Antioxidants:

Invest in serums, moisturizers, and sunscreens that come with an additional punch of antioxidants. For instance, vitamin C protects your skin from environmental damage and boosts collagen development. Creams and serums loaded with natural extracts and antioxidants reduce inflammation (which is pretty common in summer), neutralize harmful free radicals, and repair your skin.

10. Add Antioxidants To Your Diet:

Applying antioxidants topically is not enough. To maintain radiant skin, you need to nourish it accordingly. Healthy eating is a must during summer. Consume lots of seasonal foods, such as pineapples, citrus fruits, fresh berries, seafood, and vegetables. These contain essential vitamins, nutrients, and antioxidants that boost collagen production, reduce inflammation, and protect your skin from the damaging effects of the sun.

9. Keep Yourself Hydrated:

Drink lots of water and don’t forget to carry a water bottle with you wherever you go. Keep sipping from your bottle. This is important to keep your skin hydrated, flush out toxins from your body, and feel refreshed during the hot summer days.

8. Go Easy On Makeup:

When it comes to makeup during summer months, go minimal. That’s because your skin needs to breathe when the weather is super hot and humid. If you absolutely cannot do without your foundation, go for a tinted moisturizer with SPF and layer it with face powder to avoid any patchy spots. Do not forget your lips. Instead of lipsticks, use tinted lip balms with SPF. Avoid heavy eye makeup. Stick to a simple kajal instead.

7. Exfoliate:

During summer, your skin works hard to keep itself healthy and heal any irritation or sunburn. Help your skin in this process by exfoliating it gently. Exfoliation helps buff away dead skin cells, leaving your skin looking radiant. You can use homemade sugar scrubs to exfoliate your skin or simply grab a washcloth and use it to scrub your skin gently. However, make sure that you do not over-exfoliate your skin.

6. Tone Your Skin:

Toners are a must-have during the summer months. A good toner keeps your skin oil-free and clean. It also reduces the appearance of pores. When applying toner, pay attention to your T-zone as it is the part of your face that secretes the maximum oil during summer.

5. Update Your Moisturizer:

If you think your skin doesn’t need a moisturizer during the summer months, you are wrong. The only difference is that the heavy moisturizers that you used during the winter months will work during summer. You need to use a light moisturizer when the weather is warm. Pick a non-greasy and lightweight moisturizer (pick one with SPF for daytime use) that will help to lock in the essential moisture of your skin.

4. Do Not Forget Your Feet:

Your skin doesn’t end at your neck. Most of us tend to forget our feet. Now that you have replaced your winter boots with summer sandals, you need to take care of your feet as well. Give yourself a pedicure at home. Use a scrub to remove the dead and dry skin cells. Moisturize your feet and don’t forget to apply sunscreen lotion on them.

3. Get Enough Exercise:

If the summer heat, sweat, and humidity are keeping you off the treadmill, don’t give up. I know that staying inside and watching a movie while sipping iced tea is a tempting option, but exercise is equally important for maintaining healthy skin during summer. Physical activity improves blood flow, which means your skin cells get more oxygen. Thus, your body heals any tissue damage (like sunburn or acne) easily.

Do you think exercising in the gym is monotonous? Add some fun to your workout routine and try Zumba instead. Even better, go cycling, play volleyball with your friends, or try hiking. Any form of exercise is good for your health.

2. Don’t Cut Down Your Resting Time:

Your body needs time to repair itself and maintain healthy skin. That’s why no matter what schedule you maintain, try to take out enough time to rest. This is crucial because, during the summer months, the days are longer, and most of us tend to be active for longer. While your body rests, it boosts melanin development, repairs any damage to the skin cells, and revitalizes your immune system so that it can fight off acne-causing bacteria and other germs that might damage your skin.

1. Do Not Forget The Eye Area:

The area around your eyes is more delicate than the rest of your face. Therefore, it needs special care. Whenever you are stepping out in the sun, do not forget to wear sunglasses. This will prevent the formation of wrinkles around your eyes. Don’t forget to apply a moisturizing eye cream both during the day and at night. Use products that contain hydrating ingredients such as hyaluronic acid, honey, and cucumber. Massage the area around your eyes every night to relax the muscles.